FAQs and expert advice about venues

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Glos and Wilts Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

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Q What are the biggest trends for the wedding season this year?
A Ellen Ford says: Barbie is back! It will come as no surprise with how influential the Barbie movie has been this year that Barbie-inspired pink is back and anticipated to be popular at weddings this year. From touches of pink through the bride's dress, jewellery, and shoes, to bright pink florals and décor, different shades of pink can be added to most elements of a wedding.

Savvy wedding budgets. Couples want to get more from their wedding budget and are being much stricter with their invite lists by not inviting relatives that they haven't seen for years and even choosing to invite guests to the evening instead of the day. Couples are thinking about what is most important to them on their special day, we are also seeing the return of more DIY wedding décor helped by creative family and friends.

Celebrant-led ceremonies. Legal registrar-led ceremonies will always be around for obvious reasons, but we are seeing a rise in blessings and celebrant-led ceremonies, and the great thing is that you can make it your own, with personal touches and personalised ideas. Couples are finding new ways to make weddings more personal and unique; this is certainly a great way to do that.

Ellen Ford, Bowood Estate

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